
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Fond Memories of Hoffman AP

March 8th, 2016|

When Lou asked me to contribute some thoughts about the 20th anniversary of Hoffman AP, I told him I was truly honored because being involved at the beginning meant so much to [...]

19 Years and 135 Days Since This PR Agency Entered Asia (But Who’s Counting?)

February 29th, 2016|

The Agency opened its doors in Asia on Oct. 20, 1996. It has been an amazing, fun, torturous, weird, satisfying, frustrating and enlightening run. This blog celebrates the looming 20-year milestone, lending [...]

Trek to Asia Explores the Fun in Language

February 29th, 2016|

The above photo depicts the front of a store in Shanghai called “Children’s Food.” I’m thinking such a store capitalizes on all parents’ quest to give their kids the best — the best education, the best nutrition, etc. Not quite. It turns out “Children’s Food” sells candy. Row after row after row of every type of candy you can imagine. I never thought of malt balls and gummy bears as children’s food. With that said, I admire the owner’s pluck in putting a positive spin on candy.

Revisiting the Definition of Global Public Relations

February 29th, 2016|

Global PR is more than just the dots on a map. The most important factor in the success or failure of an international PR campaign comes down to mentality. Two basic [...]