December 2019

Advocating for the PR Profession at Wenzhou-Kean University in China

By Frank Zhang DGM Hoffman China Sitting on the train from Shanghai to Wenzhou, I had time to contemplate a simple question: What were students from Wenzhou-Kean University, a Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution, expecting to hear from an international communications consultancy? I arrived at the venue 30 minutes early. It turns out that [...]

June 2019

Tech Journalists in Hong Kong Share Insights with PR in Mind

Hong Kong continues to serve as an important media hub for Asia. With this in mind, Alessandra Tinio, an account director in our Hong Kong office, summarized a panel she attended that featured three tech journalists: Lulu Yilun Chen: Senior reporter with Bloomberg in Hong Kong, covering technology. A regular commentator on Bloomberg TV and [...]

October 2016

Reflections on My Time at Hoffman

Walau eh, we have known each other that long ah? Gila! (Translation: Holy Cow, we have known each other that long? Crazy!) Yes, as you may have guessed, I used to live in Singapore. Yes, I have been known to hang out with only Chinese, Malays and Indians, not with Ang [...]

May 2016

“I Never Saw a Moor …”

It’s been quite the thrill for me to watch the activities of Hoffman’s Asia Pacific operation over the years. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a long string of dynamic players — from Lou himself, to Ray Shuster, Michelle Herman, Maureen Tseng, Lydia Lau, Jenny Chan, Shingo Nomura, Kaori Saito, [...]

아시아 진출 20주년을 맞는 우리의 자세, 호프만에이전시가 소개하는 디지털 PR 3대 전략

  English Version 1987년 실리콘밸리에서 출발해 세계 각국에서 다양한 클라이언트들의 종합적인 홍보 서비스를 지원해 온 호프만에이전시가 아시아 진출 20주년을 맞이했습니다. 그 동안 호프만에이전시는 크고 작은 변화에 적극적으로 대응하며 고객지향적인 비즈니스모델을 발전시켜왔는데요. 그 중에서도 호프만에이전시가 가장 주목하고 있는 변화는 단연 ‘디지털화(Digitalization)’입니다. 다른 모든 산업과 마찬가지로 PR산업 환경에서도 디지털로의 전환은 매체나 기업의 홍보 [...]

April 2016

Celebrating Its 20 Years in Asia — The Hoffman Agency’s Three Strategies in Digital PR

Established at Silicon Valley in 1987, The Hoffman Agency has provided comprehensive PR support to a variety of clients all over the world, and is now celebrating its 20th anniversary in Asia. Throughout its history, the Agency has actively responded to various industry changes to develop a client-centric business model.

It’s all about the PEOPLE at Hoffman

My time at The Hoffman Agency was regretfully short-lived, but so full — impactFUL and meaningFUL, that is. It represented a turning point in my career — from meeting the most amazing people and picking up important lessons in leadership, to learning the true art of storytelling. I joined the Singapore [...]

Twenty Years in a Changing World

I met Julian in 1993 when he was working in Silicon Valley for Cunningham (later sold to Citigate). Between his smarts, professorial air and British accent — still slays American audiences; just check out the ratings for Downton Abbey — I hoped to never encounter him in a new-business pitch. As [...]

February 2016

Trek to Asia Explores the Fun in Language

The above photo depicts the front of a store in Shanghai called “Children’s Food.” I’m thinking such a store capitalizes on all parents’ quest to give their kids the best — the best education, the best nutrition, etc. Not quite. It turns out “Children’s Food” sells candy. Row after row after row of every type of candy you can imagine. I never thought of malt balls and gummy bears as children’s food. With that said, I admire the owner’s pluck in putting a positive spin on candy.