May 2016

“I Never Saw a Moor …”

It’s been quite the thrill for me to watch the activities of Hoffman’s Asia Pacific operation over the years. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a long string of dynamic players — from Lou himself, to Ray Shuster, Michelle Herman, Maureen Tseng, Lydia Lau, Jenny Chan, Shingo Nomura, Kaori Saito, [...]

아시아 진출 20주년을 맞는 우리의 자세, 호프만에이전시가 소개하는 디지털 PR 3대 전략

  English Version 1987년 실리콘밸리에서 출발해 세계 각국에서 다양한 클라이언트들의 종합적인 홍보 서비스를 지원해 온 호프만에이전시가 아시아 진출 20주년을 맞이했습니다. 그 동안 호프만에이전시는 크고 작은 변화에 적극적으로 대응하며 고객지향적인 비즈니스모델을 발전시켜왔는데요. 그 중에서도 호프만에이전시가 가장 주목하고 있는 변화는 단연 ‘디지털화(Digitalization)’입니다. 다른 모든 산업과 마찬가지로 PR산업 환경에서도 디지털로의 전환은 매체나 기업의 홍보 [...]

April 2016

Celebrating Its 20 Years in Asia — The Hoffman Agency’s Three Strategies in Digital PR

Established at Silicon Valley in 1987, The Hoffman Agency has provided comprehensive PR support to a variety of clients all over the world, and is now celebrating its 20th anniversary in Asia. Throughout its history, the Agency has actively responded to various industry changes to develop a client-centric business model.

Did You Hear the One About the Nail That Stood Out?

The year was 2000. I had just arrived in Seoul after 13 hours in the air and contorting my frame to the dreaded middle seat. Normally, I would take the blue bus to the hotel. But I was two hours away from speaking at a conference staged by a Korean version [...]

March 2016

Reflections on My Life at Hoffman

Some celebrities achieve one-name status. Adele. Ronaldo. Kobe. As the Agency’s first staff member hired in Asia Pacific, Maureen Tseng has achieved one-syllable status … “Mo.” Out of all the decisions Ray Schuster, who launched our AP operation, made over his stint in Singapore, I think he’d agree the hiring of [...]

February 2016

Trek to Asia Explores the Fun in Language

The above photo depicts the front of a store in Shanghai called “Children’s Food.” I’m thinking such a store capitalizes on all parents’ quest to give their kids the best — the best education, the best nutrition, etc. Not quite. It turns out “Children’s Food” sells candy. Row after row after row of every type of candy you can imagine. I never thought of malt balls and gummy bears as children’s food. With that said, I admire the owner’s pluck in putting a positive spin on candy.

Revisiting the Definition of Global Public Relations

Global PR is more than just the dots on a map. The most important factor in the success or failure of an international PR campaign comes down to mentality. Two basic questions go a long way toward revealing the presence of a global mentality: Do the account team members collaborate in [...]