December 2019

Singapore Team Moves Into New Digs

Nothing says “things are on a pretty good roll” like running out of office space. With that as a backdrop, our Singapore team recently moved into new office space that comes with elbow space. Check out the video below that captures the office vibe. Once again proving “the story is always there.”

June 2016

Putting the “Man” in Hoffman

Congrats to Lou and The Hoffman Agency team in Asia Pacific on your 20th anniversary. It’s a good age to be in, I reckon – old enough to show staying power, but still have the swagger of youth. Being 20 is when you feel invincible and you know that there’s still [...]

April 2016

A Startup in Asia Pacific No More

This stretch of Tanjong Pagar Road “showcases” our first office in Singapore. It turns out the very same shot appears in Wikipedia. Talk about a startup. In 1996 Hoffman Asia Pacific was a classic — roots spreading from San Jose to Singapore in one fell swoop, without proven leadership (me), little-to-no [...]

China and the Résumé that Didn’t Slip Between the Cracks

Photo Caption: My relationship with Zhong evolved into a friendship. This photo shows her with my kids (Diego and Pilar) in their younger days during a day trip to San Francisco. I had the good fortune of calling The Hoffman Agency my employer for more than 16 years, beginning my journey [...]

February 2016

Trek to Asia Explores the Fun in Language

The above photo depicts the front of a store in Shanghai called “Children’s Food.” I’m thinking such a store capitalizes on all parents’ quest to give their kids the best — the best education, the best nutrition, etc. Not quite. It turns out “Children’s Food” sells candy. Row after row after row of every type of candy you can imagine. I never thought of malt balls and gummy bears as children’s food. With that said, I admire the owner’s pluck in putting a positive spin on candy.