July 2017

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Above photo: Mark Plungy, in one of his more celebratory moods during his days at Hoffman. 20 years? Can it really be 20 years since The Hoffman Agency opened its first office in Singapore? It seems like just yesterday that Lou was announcing to the Agency his vision for how one [...]

January 2017


20岁对成年人来说,可能只意味着从青涩少年到踌躇青年的转变,但是对于一家在市场上屡经淬炼和证明的国际公关公司来说,则意味着太多的起承转合和动人故事。。。这就是今天的主角,霍夫曼公关,源自美国科技创新的心脏-硅谷地区,深耕亚洲20年,以专注,务实和创新在亚洲打出科技传播的一块“金字招牌” 20岁生日快乐,霍夫曼中国! 霍夫曼中国20岁生日PARTY,正式拉开序幕,你,准备好了吗?

December 2016

Twenty Birthday Cakes Later

Birthday celebrations usually involve a huge party, lots of food and sometimes, copious amounts of alcohol. In that regard, The Hoffman Agency’s 20th Anniversary Celebration in early November ticked all the boxes (except the bit about booze because it’s too expensive here in Singapore). While it was exciting to join in [...]

June 2016

Establishing Connections across the Causeway

Above Photo:  Hoffman and Emerald Comms in Malacca for an off-site meeting in 2007. Top L-R: Jana Ponnudurai, Neethiya Sadagopal, Lee Ling, Mayda Jutahkiti, Janice Wang Bottom L-R: Rene Leow, Tay Kuan Yan (ex GM of HA), Jisun Kim, Maureen Tseng Our link with The Hoffman Agency started in 2004. It [...]

May 2016

My Introduction to Asia Pacific PR 101

I had barely unpacked in Singapore in 1996 when I heard from our client HP. The company was hosting a major customer/media conference in a luxury resort on Phuket Island, Thailand, and my presence as media contact was requested. Hoffman Asia Pacific was barely hatched at that point, but that’s why we were there.

April 2016

It’s all about the PEOPLE at Hoffman

My time at The Hoffman Agency was regretfully short-lived, but so full — impactFUL and meaningFUL, that is. It represented a turning point in my career — from meeting the most amazing people and picking up important lessons in leadership, to learning the true art of storytelling. I joined the Singapore [...]

Intersection of East (Taiwan) and West (Silicon Valley) Transcends Business

I didn’t know it at the time, but the Hyundai Electronics press tour in 1994 saw the start of two special relationships in Asia. You’ve already heard from Young Sohn, founder of InComm and our partner in Korea for the early years. The second person was Olive Ting, whose firm Era [...]

March 2016

My Encounter with the Singapore Political Process

Ray Schuster started our Asia Pacific operation in Singapore. It wasn’t easy. We didn’t have an international expansion department. No, I take that back. Ray was our international expansion department. He navigated the government regulations. He found our office space and oversaw the buildout as well as played interior designer down to [...]

The Chairs

We talk about the launch of Asia Pacific as if it were one launch. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Every single office had to be started from scratch. Behind every single office stands an individual who believed in our mission and worked 24/7 to make it happen. For the [...]

February 2016

19 Years and 135 Days Since This PR Agency Entered Asia (But Who’s Counting?)

The Agency opened its doors in Asia on Oct. 20, 1996. It has been an amazing, fun, torturous, weird, satisfying, frustrating and enlightening run. This blog celebrates the looming 20-year milestone, lending a voice to all the people who contributed to our success in the region. I made my first trip to [...]