
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

September 23rd, 2020|0 Comments

Playing the Long Game in China

March 8th, 2017|

(Post originally appeared on Ishmael's Corner) When we entered the China market in 1999, I shared with our staff that our long-term success in Asia depended on China. I no longer [...]


January 4th, 2017|

20岁对成年人来说,可能只意味着从青涩少年到踌躇青年的转变,但是对于一家在市场上屡经淬炼和证明的国际公关公司来说,则意味着太多的起承转合和动人故事。。。这就是今天的主角,霍夫曼公关,源自美国科技创新的心脏-硅谷地区,深耕亚洲20年,以专注,务实和创新在亚洲打出科技传播的一块“金字招牌” 20岁生日快乐,霍夫曼中国! 霍夫曼中国20岁生日PARTY,正式拉开序幕,你,准备好了吗?

호프만에이전시, 아시아 진출 20주년 맞아

December 12th, 2016|

세계적인 테크놀로지 전문 PR회사 호프만에이전시는 2016년 11월, 아시아 진출 20주년을 맞이했다고 밝혔다. 호프만에이전시는 1994년 현대전자산업(현 SK하이닉스)의 아시아 프레스 투어를 계기로 1996년 11월 싱가포르에 첫 오피스를 열며 아시아 지역에 진출했다. 아시아, 유럽, [...]

Twenty Birthday Cakes Later

December 1st, 2016|

Birthday celebrations usually involve a huge party, lots of food and sometimes, copious amounts of alcohol. In that regard, The Hoffman Agency’s 20th Anniversary Celebration in early November ticked all the [...]

Reflections on My Time at Hoffman

October 31st, 2016|

Walau eh, we have known each other that long ah? Gila! (Translation: Holy Cow, we have known each other that long? Crazy!) Yes, as you may have guessed, I used to [...]

My Nine-year Trek with Hoffman Singapore

October 26th, 2016|

What does it say about an employer when an employee spends the bulk of her working years with the company? I’m sure you’d agree with me that it speaks volumes. Volumes [...]