
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“I Couldn’t Take Those Rude Emails Anymore”

March 22nd, 2016|

Kaori Saito launched our operation in Japan. As you’ll hear from her, she didn’t want the job. I remember a breakfast meeting at Hobee’s and her challenging me with “Why do [...]

The Connection Between Hoffman Asia Pacific and the 1997 Economic Crisis in Korea

March 20th, 2016|

I met Young Sohn for the first time in 1994 during the “infamous” Hyundai Electronics press tour.  It’s hard to explain in words, but I felt an instant connection with this [...]

My Encounter with the Singapore Political Process

March 17th, 2016|

Ray Schuster started our Asia Pacific operation in Singapore. It wasn’t easy. We didn’t have an international expansion department. No, I take that back. Ray was our international expansion department. He navigated [...]

The Chairs

March 15th, 2016|

We talk about the launch of Asia Pacific as if it were one launch. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Every single office had to be started from scratch. Behind [...]

Reflections on My Life at Hoffman

March 13th, 2016|

Some celebrities achieve one-name status. Adele. Ronaldo. Kobe. As the Agency’s first staff member hired in Asia Pacific, Maureen Tseng has achieved one-syllable status … “Mo.” Out of all the decisions [...]

Kindness and Gratefulness Characterize My Memories of Asia

March 10th, 2016|

Congratulations to The Hoffman Agency (HA) for 20 years in Asia Pacific. Lou, Ray Schuster and Maureen Tseng had one heck of a vision. It is great to see that their vision [...]