
    호프만에이전시, 아시아 진출 20주년 맞아

    세계적인 테크놀로지 전문 PR회사 호프만에이전시는 2016년 11월, 아시아 진출 20주년을 맞이했다고 밝혔다. 호프만에이전시는 1994년 현대전자산업(현 SK하이닉스)의 아시아 프레스 투어를 계기로 1996년 11월 싱가포르에 첫 오피스를 열며 아시아 지역에 진출했다. 아시아, 유럽, 미국에 위치한 오피스에서 약 1천1백오십만 달러(한화 약 136억) 상당의 수익을 창출했으며, 2012년부터 매년 평균 9%의 성장률을 기록하고 있다. 특히, 총 [...]

      Twenty Birthday Cakes Later

      Birthday celebrations usually involve a huge party, lots of food and sometimes, copious amounts of alcohol. In that regard, The Hoffman Agency’s 20th Anniversary Celebration in early November ticked all the boxes (except the bit about booze because it’s too expensive here in Singapore). While it was exciting to join in [...]

        Reflections on My Time at Hoffman

        Walau eh, we have known each other that long ah? Gila! (Translation: Holy Cow, we have known each other that long? Crazy!) Yes, as you may have guessed, I used to live in Singapore. Yes, I have been known to hang out with only Chinese, Malays and Indians, not with Ang [...]

          My Nine-year Trek with Hoffman Singapore

          What does it say about an employer when an employee spends the bulk of her working years with the company? I’m sure you’d agree with me that it speaks volumes. Volumes of the people, culture and management of that company — The Hoffman Agency. In this day and age of short [...]

            A Ticket to Hong Kong with a Side of Waffles

            After two plus years with The Hoffman Agency, as a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed AE, I found myself sitting across from Lou at a classic American diner early in the morning. Eating waffles and talking PR. Lou’s surprise proposal? To take part in Hoffman’s Building Bridges program. Leave for Hong Kong [...]

              The CNBC Advertising Campaign in Asia

              Your eyes aren’t deceiving you. The Agency actually ran an advertising campaign on CNBC Asia in 2003, sharing the stage with the likes of Credit Suisse and the Tourism Authority of Thailand. In the spirit of full disclosure, landing CNBC as a client in Asia included a “door” into broadcast advertising. [...]

                Hoffman’s Singapore Office .1 Mile from Hawker Stand that Wins Michelin Star

                Having called this blog “Chicken Rice of the Soul,” we have a certain obligation to cover the news that the Singaporean hawker stand, “Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice and Noodle”— obviously didn’t hire a branding expert to create the name — earned a Michelin star. When Chef Chan Hon Meng received [...]

                  How We Roll in Asia, The First 20 Years

                  Creating a timeline covering 20 years is fraught with peril. On the pragmatic side, how much does anyone really remember from, say, 1999? If we had known back in 1996 that we would be putting together a timeline in 2016 commemorating 20 years in the region, we would have systematically captured [...]

                    Inc. Magazine Features Agency’s International Expansion

                    The Agency’s global operation caught the attention of Inc. Magazine in 2007. Focusing on Asia, the journalist examined the different approaches used by the Agency in opening up international offices. The following is the original article as it appeared in Inc ("enhanced" with a few links). Six Ways to Open an [...]

                      The Tale of Two Tucson Boys in Asia

                      Lou and I have history and a friendship that goes back to the 1970s. Lou, his brother Jerry and I wrestled in high school. Jerry and I were inseparable. Throughout wrestling season we were on strict diets. During the off-season when we could eat freely, chicken seemed to be the main [...]