July 2020

實習生存術 — 學會這三招,公關實習沒在怕

I think of myself for a year because of this sentence, I was reluctant to return to Taiwan and could only wait mediocrely for the start of school, so when I saw the internship vacancy, I immediately began to prepare my resume and cover letter. Then I was here, at The Hoffman Agency (Hoffman), watching the end of this 12-month public relations adventure.

June 2020

Connecting Dots on the Map: Building Bridges Across Hoffman APAC

By Cecilia Zhong, Senior Account Executive “Cecilia’s company is sending her to work in Asia for four months,” said my husband to his boss. “You are not gonna quit and join her company, are you?” asked his boss, half-jokingly. They were talking about the sweet gig I got: a 15-week work trip across Hong Kong, [...]

October 2019

Agency Leaders Attend Rigorous Cooking Class in the Spirit of Team Building

Asia Pacific MD Caroline Hsu led a three-day regional summit last week. After two days of discussions, brainstorming, and yes, a “few” PowerPoint presentations, day three gave new meaning to the phrase, “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Breaking into four teams, participants cooked a traditional four-course Thai meal: Tom [...]

September 2019

Translating a Silicon Valley Culture in Japan

By Shingo Nomura, Vice President, North Asia for The Hoffman Agency I joined The Hoffman Agency to lead its Japan office in 2002. After roughly four years at a traditional local PR company in Japan, I found the idea of blending a Silicon Valley mentality with the Japanese way quite appealing. While I didn’t understand exactly [...]

February 2019

The Secret Sauce Behind Global Collaboration

To “borrow” a line, offices don’t work with each other. People work with each other. With this in mind, the Agency has taken steps in its operation and implemented several programs all in the name of helping staff members get to know their colleagues in other offices around the world. One of these programs is [...]

September 2018

Translating a Silicon Valley Culture in Japan

By Shingo Nomura, Vice President, North Asia for The Hoffman Agency I joined The Hoffman Agency to lead its Japan office in 2002. After roughly four years at a traditional local PR company in Japan, I found the idea of blending a Silicon Valley mentality with the Japanese way quite appealing. While I didn’t understand exactly [...]

March 2017

Playing the Long Game in China

(Post originally appeared on Ishmael's Corner) When we entered the China market in 1999, I shared with our staff that our long-term success in Asia depended on China. I no longer believe this. Instead, it’s clear to me that our long-term success on the international front depends on China. When we [...]

December 2016

호프만에이전시, 아시아 진출 20주년 맞아

세계적인 테크놀로지 전문 PR회사 호프만에이전시는 2016년 11월, 아시아 진출 20주년을 맞이했다고 밝혔다. 호프만에이전시는 1994년 현대전자산업(현 SK하이닉스)의 아시아 프레스 투어를 계기로 1996년 11월 싱가포르에 첫 오피스를 열며 아시아 지역에 진출했다. 아시아, 유럽, 미국에 위치한 오피스에서 약 1천1백오십만 달러(한화 약 136억) 상당의 수익을 창출했으며, 2012년부터 매년 평균 9%의 성장률을 기록하고 있다. 특히, 총 [...]

July 2016

The Tale of Two Tucson Boys in Asia

Lou and I have history and a friendship that goes back to the 1970s. Lou, his brother Jerry and I wrestled in high school. Jerry and I were inseparable. Throughout wrestling season we were on strict diets. During the off-season when we could eat freely, chicken seemed to be the main [...]

May 2016

PR Agency Offsite, Japan Style

As in the U.S., company offsites are quite common in Japan. The history goes back to before the World War II when appreciation for everyone’s hard work was rewarded with a trip to a hot springs. Furthermore, there’s a tradition of what’s called the Graduate trip in most Japanese elementary schools, [...]